Tutors are always available to support you and help you manage your workload.
How to get started
Share your learning goals and schedule.
Get matched with the right person.
Collaborate and track your progress.
You’ll be all smiles
Get help with any assignment in any subject while meeting each deadline
Enjoy 24/7 tutor support and feel assured you’ll get the help you need
Why students are loving MyGraduAid
Delight in meeting every deadline!
Take charge of your homework
A single place to keep all your assignments, files, and study notes so you can stay organized.
Always meet your deadlines
Alerts and notifications are scheduled so that you can stay on top of all your assignments.
Support when you need it
MyGraduAid tutors are available 24/7, ready to help you with your next assignment.
MyGraduAid tutors are committed to supporting your learning journey by simplifying complex topics and helping you meet the academic expectations of your institution. Their focus is on building your knowledge and skills, empowering you to succeed independently.
See our Code of IntegrityPerks and pricing
Free perks you’ll love
Only $9.99/per hour
Top up your account on our platform. Once you've gotten the needed help, use the funds to pay the tutor.
The total cost is determined by the duration of your tutoring sessions with MyGraduAid tutors. You pay for the time spent receiving personalized support and guidance from our tutors.
You’ll only pay your tutor once the tutoring session is complete, and you're satisfied with the support received.
No, they won’t. Tutors are here to help you find study materials, prepare for tests, deepen your understanding of topics, and guide you in organizing your learning.